Dirk Vis (1981) writes fiction, essays, scripts, and poetry, in Dutch and English. Vis spends his time between the Netherlands, Berlin and the forest of Białowieża. He studied at the Rietveld Academy and the Sandberg Institute, Amsterdam. His books have been published in Dutch and English: the novel Paren of de kunst van de slaapkamer (Atlas Contact, 2022), the novella Het reality-essay (De Gids, 2017), and the (anti-)manual for artistic research Research for People Who (Think They) Would Rather Create (Onomatopee, 2021). Vis presented animations, chapbooks, performances and websites with his texts and directed several video works based on his scripts. He is contributing editor of Dutch literary magazine De Gids (The Guide) and co-founder of De Internet Gids. Vis is lecturer at the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam and the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague, besides guest lecturing at various (inter-)national universities (🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇳🇱).
:mail: write@dirkvis.email
:headphone: readings on Telegram 🇳🇱
:camera: instagram
curriculum vitae: linkedin
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writer and artist dirkvis.work
contributing editor literary magazine De Gids
tutor, lecturer and research fellow Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam
tutor artistic research Royal Academy of Arts, The Hague
adviser Amsterdams Fund for the Arts
co-founder subscription-only absinthe-label Rue du Dindon with Edgart Walthert
Photo: Lonneke van der Palen